Friday, October 1, 2010

Find of the Week: Sonia Kashuk Bristle Brush

One of the things I love most about traveling is one of the things I miss most about my pre-Manhattan life: Target.  Sure they have Target in NYC, but truthfully, they are in total outlier areas, and it's a pain in the ass to get there.  Ultimately, it's not worth the savings for the amount of time it takes.  So...I was in Denver for a few days this week, and right across my hotel in the Cherry Creek neighborhood was something even better--Super Target!  Of course I stocked up on tights, mini peds to go "barefoot" in booties, and travel sized toothpaste, but my favorite purchase was the Sonia Kashuk Bristle Hair Brush.  It looks similar to a Mason Pearson brush, but costs about 10x less.  It is made with both nylon and boar bristles so I thought for $15 I would give it a whirl.  I purchased a smaller 'travel size' which is going to be perfect for my trip to San Francisco this weekend.  But, I know I will be using this all the time at home too.  Love it!

Check out for the Sonia Kashuk Tools

Image of Kashuk Tools brush (left) courtesy of
Image of Mason Pearson brush (right) courtesy of

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