Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Lovin' My Uniqulo Chambray Shirt

I have been on the lookout for a chambray (fancy term for denim) button down shirt since they came on the radar last Spring, but I wasn't looking to spend any significant amount of coin on one...especially since they started the term 'blue collar'.  Even the options at J. Crew were out of my price range at $98.  I was inspired to revitalize my search by my cousin's trip to NYC in October.  She came off the plane in a great fitted shirt she purchaed from the Dillard's outlet store in Austin, TX for what I seem to remember was around $20.  Now that's more my style!  After doing a bit of online research (letting my fingers do the walking), I came across exactly what I was looking for at Uniqlo at exactly what I was looking to spend---$24.90.  

I was totally inspired by the image above from The Sartorialist (I'm wearing a version of it today), and I love this shirt with black pants/jeans and boots.  Roll the sleeves up and it's casual, versatile, and will just get better with age.   

Images courtesy of The Sartorialist and

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