Saturday, January 29, 2011

New Site Saturday: Into the Gloss

This is my new favorite blog.  Seriously.  Must read.  I guess I just love those 'favorite things' style articles and posts, and I can't get enough of  I have never been much of a beauty products person, so this is a real eye opener for me, and I love how her subjects range from the simplistic to the beauty-maven.  Add this to your rss immediately. is a blog dedicated to Beauty, from the Inside. No, not from within, although that’s great too—Inside in this case means Inside the fashion industry and on the street. You’ll find influencers from editors to stylists and models divulging their carefully curated products, routines and inspirations. You’ll find makeup artists, hair stylists and myriad other specialists talking about what makes them tick, their top tools, and their visions of what’s to come. You’ll see backstage. You’ll see product highlights. And you’ll see the new kids on the block— the assistants, the up-and-comers—along with the intriguing characters out and about, who are shaping our idea of modern Beauty.

—Emily Weiss

September 10, 2010
 Image and above text courtesy of

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