My name is Barbara, or Babs as my friends call me. I grew up in the suburbs of Dallas, Texas (yes, there was a rodeo in my hometown) and attended the University of Texas at Austin. Ready for an adventure, I relocated to Chicago for two brutally cold winters before transferring to New York City in 2006. As a loud and proud "broke bitch" since moving to New York City, I have been attempting to live a champagne lifestyle on a beer budget. Using cunning, skulduggery, the internet, and subscriptions to an armful of magazines, I have succeeded in carving out a fun little existence on a shoestring. I quickly realized that living in NYC will stretch any income to the max, and I had to get smart in order to enjoy myself. I began crafting the blog
Sh*tty-Chic in early 2008 after reading
The Tipping Point when I realized I could easily classify myself as a "Maven"....a maven of all that is cheap, chic, tightwad-worthy, but most importantly, downright fabulous.
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Twitter or @ShittyChic